Celebrancy Blog - Dally Messenger III - Personal Opinion

1983 ABS Chart which distinguishes between clergy, Registry Offices amd Civil Celebrants


2006 ABS Chart which does away with the distinction between Registry Office marriages and Civil Celebrants, and, as all independent Registered Marriage Celebrants are listed together, it may well be that the Civil Cele3brant number includes marriages by Non-aligned Religious celebrants.

06 ABSStas

An extract from the list of Registered Marriage Celebrants. It includes non-aligned religious Marriage Celbrants. (2008)


The announcement in 2009 advising that Marriages in Australia are up, and Divorces are down.
My claim it is at least partly because a core of Civil Celebrants have infiltrated more meaningful marriage ceremonies into Australian culture. (If we do not make that kind of difference what is the point ?)





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