Dally Messenger III & Friends - Articles, Keynote Addresses etc

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I really enjoyed Dally Messenger’s articles. These have helped put the celebrant profession into context for me. He very well describes contemporary society’s need for meaningful ceremony.

Symbol Feb 2010 (original -August 30, 2009) - White Paper on the State of Marriage Celebrancy and Celebrants in Australia by Tony Gelme - Celebrant

May 13, 1992
Second Legal opinion of the renowned constitutional Lawyer, Professor Michael Pryles, on the discrimination against civil marriage celebrants .

June 27 1998 NZ Christchurch: Lecture to the New Zealand Civil Celebrants
Inaugural Conference 1998 on Sat June 27, 1998. Copyright D. Messenger 1998

Dec 7 1998. To -The Editor, The Age, Melbourne 3000 in reply to the disparaging comments of Tim Fisher, leader of the National Party, regarding celebrants

May 3, 2002. Rites of Passage, Ceremonies and Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness: Symbols of American Life: Lecture at Starseed Centre Montclair, New Jersey, USA

Jun 5, 2002. Launch of the Celebrant USA Foundation. Held at the Montclair Library, New Jersey, USA


Copyright: D.Messenger -is claimed on all these articles unless otherwise attributed.
Permission will readily be given to bona fide persons - providing full and decent acknowledgment is given in accordance with normal ethical and academic moral behaviour.

Dally Messenger
at Queens College
University of Melbourne

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